How to Prepare Your Trees Before a Storm

Taking care of trees on your property before a storm will not only help protect and save the tree, but can help prevent damage to your house, car, or other buildings and structures. Regardless of the type of storm some regular maintenance can help protect you in the long run. Below, we have listed some of the easiest and most effective ways to prepare your trees before a storm.

Regular Pruning

Pruning your tree is important for two reasons. First, regular pruning can help thin out some of the dead limbs and branches that could potentially fall during a strong storm. In winter weather, dead branches can quickly accumulate with heavy snow and ice causing branches to fall and potentially damage your property. Pruning trees is also a good idea to remove some thickness to the tree which can prevent some wind resistance. With less wind resistance the tree will be more stable and less likely to break.


Adding mulch around a tree does more than look nice. Having mulch around the tree can help to protect the tree's roots from the lawn mower. With a thick ring of mulch around the tree the lawn can be cut at a safe distance away from the root system. But most importantly mulch helps to properly drain water down to the tree’s root system. In instances where there could be heavy rain a thick mulch bed can help prevent a wash out that could damage the tree roots.

Tree Trunk Cavities

Trees can have cavities form in the trunk for a variety of reasons whether it be from animals, insects, or disease. These cavities can make the tree less stable and more likely to break in a storm with heavy winds. If cavities are noticed when they are small enough, the tree me be treated to prevent further damage. If, however, the tree has a large cavity it may be best to remove the tree to prevent any damage that may be caused from the tree breaking and falling during a storm.

If you need emergency tree services in Georgia, contact the tree service company Chipper Tree Service today.